Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to win, without a gym

So, you want to work out, but you have no gym membership, or even an inkling of getting one. Have no fear, there are still many great exercise “tools” that you can purchase to make your home workout friendly. All of this equipment can be found at your favorite local Sporting Goods store.

Remember, as with any exercise program, make sure you get the ok from your Doctor before starting.

For starters, everyone should own an exercise stability ball, or swiss ball. These come in various sizes based on your height and will cost you less than $30. Here are some great exercises you can do with your new stability ball.

Another necessity is exercise bands. These bands are affordable and great way to add in resistance exercises. I always suggest the bands with the fixed handles because they can also be attached to doors and poles. Some fun things you can do with your new exercise bands.

Also important, the good old Yoga Mat. Perfect for stretching and Yoga poses, these mats are portable and are easy to store. If you think that you don’t like Yoga, give it a try. It is a great workout (even for the seasoned athlete) and it stretches and tones your body like none other. You don’t have to pay a lot of money to get started with Yoga either, you can find a Yoga DVD or even watch Fit TV….they have a great Yoga series called Namaste Yoga. You can also do Pilates exercises on your Yoga Mat!!

One last thing….dumbbells. These are great tools that you can find on craigslist for a discounted price or again at your Sporting Goods Store. Start off light and you can always add to your collection as you build your strength. Here are some basic exercises to get started with.

Once again, remember, when starting an exercise program it is important to make sure that you have the okay from your Doctor. It is also important to warm up and cool down and stretch with each exercise session.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Plateau..... Oh no!!!

So, you made the plunge and decided to get off the couch and workout! Fabulous! Only, why do you feel like you are no longer reaching your desired goals?

Ever heard of Muscle Confusion? This phenomenon has become popular because our muscles become accustomed to a certain training program very quickly. This is because the human body has the uncanny ability to adapt to the stress and load of our current workout program. This is called adaptation, which simply means that your body has adjusted to the stress you are putting on it and now considers that as normal….such as brushing your teeth each night before you go to bed. It is important to develop different exercise programs and change up your repetitions and sets typically every four to six weeks.

Ways to keep your training programs fresh include interval training, cross training and switching up your weight training programs. If you are using free weights at the gym, make sure you add in bands, cables and body weight exercises as well. Always keep your muscles guessing and you will receive the results you are looking for. For most people, these results include more lean body mass (or muscle) and less fat. Both can be achieved by avoiding plateaus and keeping your workouts fresh.

Plateaus also will creep up on you when your diet is starting to lack in its consistency. If you want to gain muscle and lose fat, you must clean up your diet. There is no magic pill and no quick fix. You must learn how to eat to support your goals. If you recently increased your exercise level, you need to make sure that you are getting enough calories to support the growth in muscle. You need to make sure that you are getting enough carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins. There are many great books on eating clean. The great fitness competitor Tosca Reno has a great book called, “The Eat Clean Cookbook.”

Plateaus are only temporary, so don’t get discouraged. Read up on some new training articles or hire a Personal Trainer every month or so to change up your workout program for you!!!

You can do it!!!