Friday, August 28, 2009

Weight loss, A Great Loss!

Nearly every one of my client's enlists in my help to aid in their weight loss. Even though it is a simple equation of calories stored versus calories burned, many people are still fighting this rationale.

We are a society influenced by immediate, making small changes that will yield large results over a certain amount of time seem frivilous. Why not just try the latest juice fast, buy the illegal effendrine or dangerous diuretics to lose the weight quickly?? I undestand these thoughts, but I also understand how these lead up to failure. Your body can't live off of just juice, or just bacon for years on end, it just doesn't happen. What I like to teach my clients is the old motto, "slow and steady wins the race." And, it does.

When you make gradual, consistant changes in your day to day eating habits and activities, your body responds. A pound is equal to 3,500 calories. Does that seem like a lot? It's not. All it takes is a calorie deficit of 500 calories each day. This is as simple as cutting out two cans of soda and taking a 30 minute exercise walk. Do this 7 days a week and you have lost a pound. The best thing about this type of weight loss, is that you can do this for the rest of your lives without feeling deprived.

Long are the days where you can't have a cookie or a slice of birthday cake. In fact, I suggest my clients still indulge in one or two cheats a week......but that is it. Without these "cheats" your body starts feeling a sense of deprivation...deprivation leads to extreme eating. That one cookie (cheat) becomes the whole box of cookies and that is something that you can't have in a successful weight loss program.

My suggestion to all of you reading this is to write down everything you are eating for three days...and either hire a Personal Trainer, Nutritionist or a website like or to see how many calories you are eating versus what you should be eating. Do not let the large serving sizes you receive when you are out to eat fool you......these are not real serving sizes!!!! You do not have to eat the whole thing!

Remember....losing weight is not impossible, it is just a simple equation.